Quantum Nano Magnesium
(The Metaphysical Youth Elixir)
Quantum Nano Magnesium is micro-clusters of pure 99.99% Magnesium suspended in medical grade distilled water.
Quantum Nano Magnesium has been said by consumers to protect their cells against aging in many ways as well as protecting us against heart disease, lowering blood pressure, protecting against diabetes preventing the recurrence of kidney stones and improving the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. They claim it to be a powerful antioxidant that keeps cell membranes flexible and protected against the onslaught of cancer-causing free radicals, in turn helping you remain youthful, energetic, and healthy! It is believed 75% of people living in the US and other western countries are said to be magnesium deficient.
***Commonly reported subjective experiences claimed by those who use Quantum Colloidals platinum as a dietary supplement include:
- Has strengthened their bones and teeth.
- Has repaired their hearing loss even from nerve damage.
- Has treated their osteoporosis and reversed the loss of their bones.
- Has helped with their anxiety, depression and O.C.D.
- Anti blood clotting reduced their suffering from heart attacks/strokes and chances of suffering more and stabilized their blood pressure.
- Has helped relieve their P.M.S., kidney stones, stiff muscles and constipation.
- Has helped known physical disorders of their diabetes.
DOSAGE: For best results take 1 tablespoon (15 ml.) a day. The maximum recommended amount is 4 tablespoons a day.
***At 1 tablespoon per day a 500ml. bottle will last 1 month.
***Store at room temperature at least 1 meter from electronics.
***Should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach 15-20 minutes before eating for maximum absorption.
(500 ml. are made of amber glass & 250 ml. are PET plastic) |