Quantum Nano Gold
(The Metaphysical Elixir)

Quantum Nano Gold is micro-clusters of pure 99.99% gold suspended in medical grade distilled water.

Colloidal gold has been said by consumers to be an excellent natural support for rejuvenation and revitalization of multiple body systems including the joints, heart, brain, nervous & circulatory systems.

***Commonly reported subjective experiences claimed by those who use Quantum Colloidals gold as a dietary supplement include:

  • Has improved their memory, mental capacity and performance
  • Has strengthened their libido, sex drive, instinct & willpower
  • Allowed them to access higher states of consciousness and deeper states of meditation
  • Has increased conductivity between their nerve endings
  • Has balanced their energy fields, stimulated serotonin - which increased their emotional well being & gave relief from stress, anxiety & depression
  • Has reduced their dependency for alcohol, nicotine and other drugs
  • Has increased their blood circulation, glandular function, improved digestive disorders, rejuvenated weak organs, controlled body temperature, reduced heart irregularities & gave relief from arthritis
  • Used in Ayurvedic/Holistic practices

DOSAGE: For best results take 1 tablespoon (15 ml.) a day. The maximum recommended amount is 4 tablespoons a day.

***At 1 tablespoon per day a 500ml. bottle will last 1 month.

***Store at room temperature at least 1 meter from electronics.

***Should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach 15-20 minutes before eating for maximum absorption.

(500 ml. are made of amber glass & 250 ml. are PET plastic)